WHAT IS STUDY SPACE?Study space is an app created for one soul purpose, finding the perfect spot to study. Created by students, for students, this app takes a rating and reviews of all the surrounding areas to determine which study space is right for you. Do you like white noise? do you hate being stuck in a crampped room? do you need complete silence? study space all of this into account before suggesting the perfect space based off of other users reviews!

How Does It Work?

The Process


Existing study space solutions,such as Meetup, Google Maps, and Yelp ,primarily assist students in finding places to study in their community .Existing solutions Lack the complete package, Study Space combines user centric design, with location based search to help users discover study spaces, engage with study groups, and foster a supportive community.Study space aims to fill the gap left by major companies whos main users are studebts or remote workers looking for a place to work.


As part of our design process each one of my team members interviewed 2-4 people totaling out to just shy of 13 interviews, here are half of the questions we asked.


When defining this problem i first began by removing any bias i have towards the topic. I recieved a few interview responses that made me change how i define the apps purpose, one of my "users" "Britany" spoke about how she saw our app going towards a simular structer as GroupMe, wich means we have to do research on Group me aswell.Overall my interviews shapped the new design directionn the team persued. These user interviews allowed us to understand What are the problem spaces with the existing market and how can Study Space improve them?


For the development of this app we started with personas based on our average interviewers responses and personalities. Then made a "Low-Fi" prototype to create a proper user flow.

As a team it was easy for us to get carried away with this "low-fi" prototype, However we came together to shine with the final product.
