WHAT IS NAVICAID? Navicaid is a new ground breaking app with one goal in mind, navigateing to the nearest hospital that takes your insurance so that you can get the aid you need. It does this by first taking your general information such as ,Name, Email , D.O.B, Social Security Number, and Insurance provider, and finding the nearest facility that takes your insurance. The app should be used by those who have need of a medical assistance of any kind including but not limited to hospitals. It also searches for Dentist, O.B.G.Y.N, Pulmonogist, Dermotologist, and so much more!

How Does It Work?

The Process


This topic is actually very near and dear to my heat, i discovered this was a problem from personal experience i had health problems as a child and i remember being in emergency situations and my parents driving across the world just to find someone that could take our insurance. They had no idea who took their insurance because we had just moved to georgia, we had no dentist, no pediatrican, not even a family doctor. so when i got older and found out that most people find these services through "Referral", i felt like there has to be an easier way to find aid besides "trust me bro".


At this point i began to wonder who else had this same problem and was this worth my time or am i just a child? i made a few mockups and asked a few questions, here are some of my questions.


When defining this problem i first began by removing any bias i have towards the topic. I recieved a few interview responses that made me change how i define the apps purpose, one of my "users" is a nurse student and she has an issue because shes only allowed to use her insurance on campus grounds. Other users were pregnant and wondered if the app would save information or would it be like apple maps where you have to type in the same address everyday until it knows u go often These type of questions led me to change the problem definition from "User cant find service" to "user wants a convienent way to find service", making my problem How can i make finding a service that takes your provider 1.quick 2. convienent.


For the development of this app i wanted to keep the user flow fast as to stay on track with my problem. this was my "low-fi" user flow.

As you can see its not perfect but it is as short as it can be to keep the user on one main path.



This project is a work in progress so dilivery is still being decided, in a peefect world i would love to learn "react" and take this design into a real app. Overall Navicaid has a long way to go, however i hope youll stay along for the ride!

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